Friday, March 30, 2012

Underground + 23rd Birthday

We planned this trip last December so we had a lot of time to prepare. We got a round trip ticket on sale from Airphil Express for P1500. Since Puerto Princesa is basically my hometown, we don't have any problems when it comes to accommodation. We just commute from place to place and we even have baon on our way. This was our second out-of-town trip together so it is indeed exciting for us both. 

On our way to Underground River

Upon arriving St. Paul Subterranean National Park a.k.a. Underground River

While waiting for our turn 

Before entering the cave

Day 1: Mar 28, Crocodile Farm and Baker's Hill 
Just right after lunch, we headed straight to Irawan to visit crocodile farm. We used to go here often as a field trip when i was young so it still feels new coming back to this place at my age now. 

Day 2: Mar 29, Marina de Bay and Neva's Place
Turning twenty three wasn't a big deal for me. As soon as i stopped having '-teen' on my age, I embraced the fact that I am already a grown up and should act as such. That day, we just wanted to swim and since i haven't been to Marina de Bay, we might as well try it. In the evening we had dinner with friends at Neva's Place with Ate Coleen, Ayin, Jopong and Athan. 

Day 3: Underground River 
Before you can go to Underground, you must have a permit first. Most hotels arrange it for their customers but since i am technically a locale, a simple call to my mother would suffice. She had it all arranged for us. It was already summer and of course a peak season to be going there. The permit basically tells you your schedule so you must be there ahead of time. We even had a misunderstanding with the shuttle Nanay reserved for us because when we got there we couldn't find the person she said she had talked to. Good thing we arrived early at the station and there were two no-show-passengers. 


  1. gusto ko din mag blog ng travels!
    di pa ko nakakpunta sa palawan!

    1. true! el nido or coron ang puntahan mo sa palawan friend. heaven on earth.


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