Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Emily Disckinson: The Ultimate Emo

Disclaimer: I've been organizing my files in my laptop and found some school stuff i'd like to share to the world. Some of them have been posted already in my previous blog. I just think it's timely and fitting for the season. lols. 


Renunciation-is a piercing Virtue-
The letting go

A Presence-for an Expectation-

Not now-
The putting out of Eyes-
Just Sunrise-
Lest Day-
Day's Great Progenitor-
Renunciation-is the Choosing
Against itself-
Itself to justify
Unto itself-
When larger function-
Make that appear-
Smaller-that Covered Vision-Here-

A Piercing Virtue Indeed 

Poem 745, “Renunciation—is a piercing virtue—“, tries to tell us how pain plays a necessary role in one’s life. The pain of loss or of lacking enhances our appreciation of victory or success. Moreover, the pain of separation indicates the degree of our desire for union with another being or thing.

First, the persona in the poem could be someone who wanted to let go or renounces something she already have for a need of something or someone. But most probably the persona is a female since Dickinson’s secluded life could only give her a female point of view which is also apparent in her other poems And the addressee is not any particular person that could be named.

In the first line of the poem, Dickinson has already established the main thought of her poem. She has posed the gist or the general picture which will be put into detail on the lines after it.