Thursday, January 17, 2013

On running

This one is mine.

As an effort to stay fit and healthy, Project 2013 includes activities for the heart. I already enrolled in Mixed Martial Arts last December and this year I promise myself to join Fun Runs. For the past couple of weeks, I've been jogging around CCP Complex at 4am during Sundays depending on the weather. 

It's extra effort because it's really cold and it's difficult to get up in the morning. It's advisable to have company so you have someone to push you to your limits. Especially for someone like me who's very lazy plus the fact that I easily get tired. 

Running shoes we bought last December.

MMA Training @ Gerry Penalosa Gym. 

I wasn't really a UFC Fan but I like the idea of doing mixed martial arts instead of just boxing. As part of our bonding, we do trainings on MMA every Saturday morning at Gerry Peñalosa Gym just near Eastwood. 

First day, I had an adrenaline rush. It really felt good. It was like releasing the kraken. But the sessions that followed is starting to feel hard. I can't help but compare myself to the other trainees. I really wanted to be good at it but i just look so "lamya". I really need to work on my cardio and add more power to my punches. 

I'm not looking into fighting someone but i just want to improve on being lampa. I've always been the saling pusa type. That should change now. Well, hopefully, once I've committed myself to the training I'll get better at it. 

Located at: 
Gerry Peñalosa Gym


  1. hi, i jut want to ask a help.. how to do that read more ...yng ikiclick?... what setting in blogger?

    1. just click on "insert jump break" ;)


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