Saturday, April 06, 2013

Scampi Shrimp


This was our first attempt to cook pasta together. Rommel has never been confident about my cooking. I tried cooking adobo to him once and it was never repeated ever again. I clumsily poured the vinegar too much it almost turned out as paksiw. 

Le Ingredients: 
Olive oil 

How To: 
1. Cook the pasta as instructed on its label. Drain. 
2. Saute the garlic using butter and olive oil. Add the shrimp and keep it moving. 
3. Once cooked, mix the buttered shrimp with the pasta. Sprinkle it with paprika powder. 
4. Garnish it with parsley. Depending on your tastebuds, you can a little bit of salt or pepper in it. 

It was surprisingly a success for first timers I guess. In all fairness, the past was al dente. The taste... it probably needs a bit more ummmphhh to it. But it tasted good actually. I could be a little bias but hey look at it. It really looks nice no! 

Lesson learned: There is no such thing as too much butter. 

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