Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 In A Nutshell

I couldn't be any more thankful for this year. Sure there were a few bumps here and there but I'm thankful I have wonderful friends to help me out along the way. This year, I was able to cross out a few things on my bucket list. I met a lot of cool people from different cultures. I learned a lot in school and at work. I swam some waters over the summer and trekked a mountain. Rommel never fails to spoil me with love and sweetness. Biking became a part of our lives this year and if ever I included fitness in my last year's resolution, I'm sure it's a double check on that area.
Going home this Christmas, I realized how long I have not seen some of my high school friends. Some of them are still surprised how much weight I lost. I know I used to be really fat but I lost those humps gradually over the years of laziness. I still don't know what to tell them when they ask me how I actually did it. I think the best and honest to goodness answer is probably because my laziness got the better of me. I only go biking on weekends because it's been a ritual for me and Rommel. But during weekdays, when I'm usually just by myself and while I try to balance work and my academics, sometimes I just get lazy to eat and prefer sleeping instead. Also, my two previous jobs involved a lot of talking wherein during those times, a number of doctors told me I could potentially develop nodes on my vocal cords. So, I started making a habit of laughing without a sound (corny right?) and managed to take care of my sweet tooth. I reduced how much I eat chocolates which I've gotten used to eventually because I was trying to avoid having sore throat. Funny how laziness and procrastination may be the reason how I actually lost weight.

This holiday season has been the longest I've ever been at home in years. I'm really glad I'm home. Of course, nothing beats home cooked meals. I'm happy being alone and independent at the city. I'm also happy I have a place I could go home to. Living in the city helps me in being sane enough from family pressure but when things get to rough, I also like going home because it still is my safe haven. I like that idea of binaries, dualities, juxtaposition and paradox of how I live my life. I've always liked doing a lot of things at the same time which I eventually let go when they start bombarding me. I'm such a weird specie if you get to know me better or maybe you don't really need to know me better. you already know that.
This year taught me a lot of things about myself, my friends, and my family. I would never trade anything in the world for where I am right now.

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